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All Breed Dog Training is the best and the most effective dog training available. Your dog is trained in your home (or place of business) with you and your family. Our effective techniques developed through more than 30 years of experience help you teach your dog to understand how he should behave in normal, day-to-day situations that occur in your particular environment. Your pet benefits most from training when he can stay at home, in his family environment, where he is loved and cared for best and where he receives the most individual attention.

Because the home is where you spend most of your time with your dog, behavior here is critical for how well your dog will complement your household overall. We train your dog to mind you and all of your family members. Whether it is inside of your home, front or backyard, or when you need to leave your pet unattended, you are assured your dog will behave.

One of the key aspects to our training success is your involvement and participation. Because we teach you how your dog is being trained, you will understand why your dog responds best to certain commands and expectations. We listen and understand your needs and desires so we can not only help you teach your dog to mind, but you will learn to better communicate with your dog in all circumstances. As a result, you will know how to get your dog to do the things you want him to do willingly and joyfully and with a minimal amount of effort on your part. We are committed to you having a satisfying and rewarding experience with your dog that will last his entire lifetime.


Although we prefer to train your dog in your home or place of business with your participation, we understand this is not always an option for certain owners. In such circumstances, we will keep your dog and train him, and you can be assured your pet is receiving the best of care. We nurture your dog in our home and treat him as if he is our family pet. We do our best to train him in much the same way we would at your home. Your dog is never stuck off in some remote kennel (as with some training services) because this would not enable your dog to learn how to appropriately interact in a family setting. To be successful, your dog must be trained in an environment similar to yours.

At the completion of training, we deliver your dog to your home and work diligently with all family members to assure you he will continue his newly learned behaviors.

Lifetime Guarantee


  • “Thank you very, very much for training Sparkle for me. As you know, I would not have been able to keep her without the training because she is so energetic. She is still very active at home, but controllable and is a totally different dog when she knows she is working.