After training is complete, occasional challenges may arise between you and your dog. In these instances, you can be assured we are there to ensure your pet will maintain a high level of training.
Our lifetime guarantee means we will always be there for you, your family, and your dog! We want to make sure your dog is the best he can be and that you have a mutually fulfilling bond that lasts the lifetime of your pet.
“I personally guarantee you that I can make a difference in your dog’s behavior and greatly improve your relationship with your dog to insure a lifetime of joy and happiness!”
Candy Crawford
Dog Training
Lifetime Guarantee
“This letter is written in appreciation for your and ‘Vriend’s’ assistance in providing pet therapy for our senior adults. As manager of a HUD subsidized high-rise for senior adults, I wish to thank you for taking your time to visit on a monthly basis without pay (although it was offered), for bringing your own German Shepard dogs and some of the dogs who were attending your obedience classes to visit and entertain our residents. The residents enjoyed and looked forward to your visits.